At Maplewood Baptist Church, our goal is to help people to know God, understand the Bible, and live right in this world. That you might better know who we are as a church, we share the following information for your consideration.
Maplewood Baptist Church is located at 1029 Lost Road, Martinsburg, West Virginia, 25403. We are an Independent (self-governing), Fundamental (Bible-believing) Missionary (missions-minded) Baptist (Christ-established) Church (spiritual family). Our Pastor is Dr. Carroll B. Williams who has been pastor for 22 years. We believe the Bible is the Word of God and is to be practiced in our everyday lifestyles. Bible preaching and teaching are a priority in our church. We live in a mixed-up world where biblical values and convictions are challenged and mocked. It is our purpose to teach the Word of God clearly and assist our congregation to live it faithfully. We offer a variety of weekly ministries to help in this aim.
Along with regular activities at church, we also have a regular visitation time to minister to those in our church family and community. We advance missionary work with missions' trips and financial support, supporting numerous missionary families and projects all over the world. Yearly Revival Services and Missions Conferences are scheduled, as well as youth weeks such as Vacation Bible School or Youth Adventure Day. It is our intent to minister not only in spiritual matters but in relational ways as well. It is not uncommon for our church family to have a Sunday dinner, a church picnic, a group outing, or just a few friends getting together somewhere after the services.
We hope this brief overview of our church’s ministry has been helpful. If we can be of help to you and your family with your spiritual growth and development, please contact us. Thank you for taking the time to read this information and to know us a little better.